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Programming in Assembler Lecture. Presentations in *.pdf format.


Lecture 1 - Introduction. Assembler in information technology and programming languages.

Lecture 2 - 8086 family architecture. From 8086 to Pentium4. Registers, flags, memory organization. Logical, physical, effective address. Addressing modes.

Lecture 3 - Memory models. I/O addressing. Interrupts and exclusions. Data types. Format of the instruction.

Lecture 4 - Instructions. General purpose instructions.

Lecture 5 - MASM. General components. Operators. Identifiers. Statements. Directives. Memory models. Simplified segment directives.

Lecture 6 - Full segment definitions. Procedures. Parameters. Modules.

Lecture 7 - Directives. Defining and using simple and complex data types. Type operators.

Lecture 8 - Decision directives. Loops. Text macros. Macro procedures. String directives. Macro functions.

Lecture 9 - Floating point coprocessor instructions. MMX instructions.

Lecture 10 - Mixed languge programming. C and BASIC to MASM interface.

Lecture 11 - SSE. SSE2. NetBurst architecture. Program optimization techniques.

Lecture 12 - Writting Windows 32 applications. Writting dynamic libraries.