The Intel® Extended Server Memory Architecture

The Intel® Extended Server Memory Architecture refers to a collection of technologies that transcend the 4 Gigabyte (32-bit) memory barrier for enterprise applications. Server platforms using Intel’s Pentium® II Xeon™ processor can provide the first, complete support for this architecture. The Intel Extended Server Memory Architecture includes technologies that provide full 36-bit addressing support from the processor, level one and two cache, and chip set. Together, they provide a non-intrusive, evolutionary path for enterprise applications to exploit >4 Gigabytes of memory to achieve unsurpassed performance, cost/performance and scalability on Intel Architecture servers. Information technology managers will realize greater competitiveness for their business-critical applications and solutions - database management systems (DBMS), on-line transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, decision support systems (DSS) and other end-to-end business solutions. The Intel Extended Server Memory Architecture is or will be supported by the majority of industry standard operating systems and enterprise applications available today. In addition, this architecture with operating support provides a clear path to Intel’s IA-64 product line that will maintain full application compatibility with the technologies described herein.

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