Single Edge Contact Cartridge 2 (S.E.C.C.2) Heat Sink Attachment and Heat Sink Functional Requirements

The purpose of the functional specification for the Heat Sink Attachment, Heat Sink and Thermal Interface is to provide the design constraints and requirements for a heat sink attachment, heat sink and thermal interface to comply with the Single Edge Contact Cartridge 2 (S.E.C.C. 2) performance requirements set by Intel. This includes environmental testing outlined in Support Component Test Requirments. With this information, a developer could design a heat sink attachment and heat sink. These constraints are compatible with the Universal Retention Mechanism and the Integrated Retention Mechanism. If not properly retained and supported, the S.E.C.C. 2 can disconnect from the SC242 Connector or the heat sink, possibly causing damage to motherboard components or the S.E.C.C. 2 processor package.

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