How to contact me?

The best way to give me a message is an e-mail .

Warning! This is a new e-mail address:


Please use this e-mail address instead of any other you may find elsewhere

Przed zadaniem pytania proszę się upewnić, że nie ma na nie odpowiedzi.

My office is placed in the building of Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 16, in the room no. 337 (3rd floor).

Here's my timetable for the current semester at

Please make sure you select proper week group!
You can use it when you want to meet me in my office, but please either come during my consultation hours, or send me an e-mail first. Otherwise, you may find the doors closed.

If you still can't cach me, you must be out of luck!

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